Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why we should embrace our age

A wonderful post by Loretta Laroche. This article first appeared in Huffington Post. Loretta is full of joy and practical wisdom, including practical tips on aging well by:
  • making each day feel like a new beginning
  • reinventing yourself on some level so that you don’t become your own “Groundhog Day”
  • spend time in community with others
  • become more involved in the pursuit of altruism
  • find the bless in the mess
  • laugh as often as possible
  • keep a positive outlook: “if you think the worst and get the worst, you suffer twice; if you think the best and get the worst, you only suffer once.”
Loretta has a PBS special about "juicy living, juicy aging" -

Monday, September 19, 2011

How will local government cope with ageing communities?

The purpose of the Local Government and Ageing Project was "to identify the magnitude of costs for Local Government of an ageing population, including the size of any financial impact, the range of council services affected, and potential impacts on council's revenue raising capacity as a result of population ageing.  The study also documented the growing social and economic contribution older people are making to their local communities. "

A tool kit is available.